Jaibans Singh Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Punjab The Jalandhar parliamentary constituency of Punjab underwent a by-election on 10 May, 2023, due to the sad and untimely demise of its incumbent Member of Parliament (MP), Shri Santokh Chaudhary. The result was declared on 13 May. It was a tough contest between the main parties and was won by the candidate of the ruling … [Read more...] about Punjab looks towards Prime Minister Narendra Modi for its resurrection
testKartarpur Sahib
Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Jyoti Jot Diwas
Prof. Karamjeet Singh Jagat Guru Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji, after giving enlightenment to the world, merged with the Almighty on the 28th day of Bhadon according to the Nanakshahi Calendar. The corresponding date for the current year (2020) falls on 12 September. The light blended with the Supreme Light at Kartarpur Sahib (now in Pakistan). When Guru Nanak Dev Ji … [Read more...] about Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Jyoti Jot Diwas
testReflection of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Babur Vani on Indo-Pak relations & Kartarpur Corridor
Nirmal Singh Guru Nanak had witnessed the dissipative ways of ruling elite in contrasting lap of abundance and luxury, unmindful of their responsibilities towards the security of the country and well being of the people. It was in this kind of scenario, during the Guru’s stay at Kartarpur, that Babur had appeared on the Indian horizon as a powerful invader. The Guru … [Read more...] about Reflection of Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Babur Vani on Indo-Pak relations & Kartarpur Corridor
testGuru Hargobind Ji: The hallowed architect of the Sikh nation
Jaibans Singh The fifth master of the Sikhs, Guru Arjan Dev Ji and his wife Mata Ganga Ji were blessed with their only child a son, on 19, June 1595, at Wadali Guru, about seven kms from Amritsar. They named the child Hargobind and he went on to become the sixth master of the Sikhs post the martyrdom of his holy father in the hands of the Mughal rulers. Hargobind was born … [Read more...] about Guru Hargobind Ji: The hallowed architect of the Sikh nation
testGuru Arjan Dev Ji: An apostle of peace and humanity
Jabans Singh Arjan Mal was born as the third son to Bhai Jetha and Mata Bhani on 15, April 1563, at Goindwal in Punjab. Some chronicles give his birth year as 1553. Gurdwara Chaubara Sahib now stands at the place where he was born. Goindwal was the seat of the Sikh religion at that point in time since the living Nanak, Guru Amar Das Ji was staying there. Guru Amar Das Ji … [Read more...] about Guru Arjan Dev Ji: An apostle of peace and humanity
testGuru Angad Dev Ji: Inspirational and pious architect of the Sikh religion
Jaibans Singh Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the first master of the Sikh religion, during his lifetime, anointed his faithful disciple Bhai Lehna as the second Guru of the Sikhs and renamed him Angad (a part of his own body and soul). In a ceremony held at Kartarpur in the presence of a huge congregation of Sikhs, Guru Nanak seated Bhai Lehna on his throne, put five paise and a … [Read more...] about Guru Angad Dev Ji: Inspirational and pious architect of the Sikh religion