Prof Karamjeet Singh On this auspicious occasion, let us remind ourselves of the simple and sublime teachings of Sri Guru Angad Dev, which are non-sectarian and universal in their application. If only we pay heed to the teachings of Gurus, we can surely foster universal … [Read more...] about Parkash Purab : Sri Guru Angad Dev
testGuru Angad Dev JI
Gur Gaddi: Anointment of Guru Angad Dev as second master of the Sikhs
Dr. Karamjeet Singh The initiation of Guru Angad Dev Ji as second Guru of the Sikhs is being celebrated this year on 07 September, as per the western calendar. It was on this day in 1539 that Guru Nanak Dev Ji chose his disciple Bhai Lehna to be the second master of the … [Read more...] about Gur Gaddi: Anointment of Guru Angad Dev as second master of the Sikhs
testGuru Ka Langar: A revered institution of Sikh religion, philosophy and culture
Jaibans Singh Guru Ka Langar, a community kitchen also referred to as Langar, is one among the most revered institutions of Sikh religion, philosophy and culture. Based on the concept of "Garib Da Muh, Guru Di Golakh" (The mouth of the poor filled by treasury of the Guru), it … [Read more...] about Guru Ka Langar: A revered institution of Sikh religion, philosophy and culture
testGuru Amar Das Ji: A spiritual ascetic and reformist
Jaibans Singh The third Sikh master, was born in the house of Tej Bhan Bhalla and his wife Lachmi on Vaisakh Sudi 14th, (8th Jeth), Samvat 1536, which translates to the western calendar as 5, May, 1479. In some chronicles his birth date is recorded as April 1479. His … [Read more...] about Guru Amar Das Ji: A spiritual ascetic and reformist
testश्री गुरु ग्रन्थ साहिब
सिक्ख पंथ के दस गुरु है जिन्होने अपने उच्च विचारों से लोगों को सत्य और धर्म का पाठ पढ़ाया। ऐतिहासिक तथ्यों के अनुसार श्री गुरु ग्रन्थ साहिब का संपादन पांचवें गुरु श्री गुरु अर्जन देव ने किया। श्री गुरु ग्रन्थ साहिब का पहला प्रकाश अगस्त 1604 को हरिमंदिर साहिब, अमृतसर में … [Read more...] about श्री गुरु ग्रन्थ साहिब