The amavasya or darkness of falsehood reigns supreme. No one can see the moon of truth. At such a time Shri Guru Nanak Dev’s teachings appeared as a rising full moon on the horizon of India to dispel the darkness.
“Sadguru Shri Guru Nanak Pargateya Mitti Dhund jag chanan hoya”
When Hindu idols were damaged and temples were being demolished ruthlessly, guided by the Upanishads He reminded Hindus of the virtues of shapelessness i.e. Nirakar, timelessness i.e. Anant and the invisible God. He reiterated that God is one.
That is, There is one God, his name is Truth. He is the creator, All pervading, without fear, without enmity, whose existence is unaffected by time, who does not take birth and is self existent, it is through God’s grace (that we realize Him)
He asked people to worship God in his spirit by constantly meditating on his name and realizing his presence in every place and at all times. Shri Guru Nanak Dev with his light of wisdom inspired people to dispel the five dark spots in the path of spirituality namely lust, greed, wrath, attachment and ego. He rightly called them ‘PanjChor’ or five thieves and asked everyone to keep them away.
This example set by Shri Guru Nanak Dev is still relevant in today’s time when our politicians have become synonymous with selfishness, greed and myopia. The light shown by him, if followed, can pave the way for a clean and able leadership for the generations to come. This in turn can bring a sea change in the overall socio-political scene of present times. Besides the dynastic rule, Shri Guru Nanak Dev also strongly condemned the injustice, bribery and the ruthless behaviour of the contemporary rulers.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev’s teachings aimed at encouraging everyone to lead an ideal socio-political life that is coupled with spirituality. Shri Guru Nanak also spread the light of bhakti among the common people.
The very approach of Japuji itself is scientific in nature. The purpose of the Japuji is to arrive at and see the vision of reality and the process adopted resembles the scientific method of thought as we know today.
The true spirit of our Vedas that say “Aa No Bhadra Kratavo Yantu Vishwataha” that is “Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides” is manifested in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy book of the Sikh faith as it incorporates the valuable teachings of saints and seers coming from different faiths .and beliefs. Through the Guru Granth Sahib Shri Guru Nanak Dev embodies the true light on the path of spirituality for a common man .