Balbir Punj The decision to lift the ban on government employees' participation in RSS activities is one of the several steps the Modi Government has taken to decolonise India since it assumed office in 2014. The article ‘RSS smoke and mirrors’ by Pawan Khera combines … [Read more...] about The aliens and the alienated
testJawaharlal Nehru
Uniform Civil Code: An idea whose time has come
Colonel Alok Mathur (Retired) Justice Pratibha M Singh of Delhi High Court on 7 July 2021, advised the central Government that as caste and religion based barriers are gradually disappearing, a standard uniform code should be implemented for marriages, divorces, … [Read more...] about Uniform Civil Code: An idea whose time has come
testA Ticking Time-bomb
A Surya Prakash It’s obvious to anyone, who has seen the videos and read the first-hand accounts of residents in the troubled north-east area of Delhi, that what happened there was a bloody Hindu-Muslim communal riot. Tensions were building up ever since some citizens launched … [Read more...] about A Ticking Time-bomb