Dr. Rajinder Pal Singh Images of Sikh Genocide of 1984 at Delhi with mobs destroying and looting property of Sikhs During the Galwan incident when a large number of Indian soldiers died in a skirmish with the Chinese Army in Ladakh, the media widely covered the bravery of … [Read more...] about 1984 Sikh genocide by Congress led mobs in India
testCongress Party
Sacrilege cases in Punjab are nowhere near closure
Jaibans Singh Widespread protests against the sacrilege cases A series of incidents involving sacrilege of the sacred Sikh scripture, Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji (SGGS), were reported in 2015. The first incident reported was theft of the SGGS from a Gurdwara in Burj Jawahar … [Read more...] about Sacrilege cases in Punjab are nowhere near closure
testFirst impression of new CM of Punjab is not very encouraging
Paramjit Singh Turmoil among Congress leadership of Punjab With only few months to Punjab’s Vidhan Sabha election, the state politics has been in turmoil for the last few months, especially within the ruling party, Indian National Congress. Relentless ugly political … [Read more...] about First impression of new CM of Punjab is not very encouraging
testमहात्मा गाँधी पर विचार
सुमित दहिया आज महात्मा गांधी जी 150वी जयंती पर कुछ तथ्यों के आधार पर बात करने का मन है। किसी की विचारधारा से सहमत न होना उस व्यक्ति का अपमान नही है। दुनिया के इतिहास में गांधी अकेले ऐसे व्यक्ति थे जिनकी दुश्मनों ने सबसे अधिक सुरक्षा की ,चर्चिल ने कहा है कि गांधी दुनिया के उन … [Read more...] about महात्मा गाँधी पर विचार